Artist Submission

As of May 2024, Port Austin Porch Fest has 35 acts signed up for Porch Fest X (June 22, 2025), the number determined by the committee to be our optimal number. Any further entertainers are welcome to sign up by filling out the submission form, and their application will then be placed on the list fpr Porch Fest XI (June 27, 2026). Hurry, we are filling up fast for Porch Fest XI. Once full, we will add you to the wait list. Should any of the initially accepted musicians withdraw for whatever reason, that waiting list will be used to fill the vacated spot, and the new entry will be immediately notified. Thank you for your interest in the Port Austin Porch Fest!

Musicians welcome! Solo or ensemble. The more genres the better. So long as you can perform at a considerate, neighbor-compatible volume suited to your host location, the stage is yours.

Performers agree to: 

  • Radical generosity and goodwill.

  • Connecting with your porch host in short order after receiving your assignment.

  • Coordinating with your porch host about the logistics of your performance (i.e. space needed, equipment, electricity needs, etc.).

  • Performing only during your assigned time.

  • Playing at a sound level respectful to the neighbors and/or other performers nearby. Acoustic levels are ideal but common sense consideration ultimately triumphs. Think of your venue as the space between the house and the curb and adjust for that.

  • Get the word out to everyone you know to drop by.



Porch Fest Artist Application