It began as nothing more than an experimental attempt at a village-wide musical showcase on a Saturday afternoon in June 2016. It returns on June 22 for its ninth appearance, now firmly established on the fourth Saturday in June as a prime musical celebration at the tip of Michigan’s Thumb, in beautiful Port Austin.

Though technically occurring between 1-5 PM on Saturday afternoon, immediately following the popular Farmers Market, the musical scene this year will extend from early Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Several performers will be appearing at local venues on Friday evening, with The Bank 1884 hosting popular local musicians Roger Hackelberg and Kenny Lang on their outdoor patio from 7-10 PM in a special Kickoff to Porch Fest.

On Saturday, June 22, promptly at 1:00 PM, music will spring up at nineteen different locations. These sites will be easily located through the use of printed programs prepared by the Porch Fest committee. These programs will be available in the issue of the Port Austin News available on or near June 15, on the website portaustinmusic.com, and in a hard-copy six-page publication available for free on the streets of Port Austin and at the Market that weekend. At 3:00 PM, 16 different acts take up their locations and begin their two-hour entertainment stints, concluding at 5:00 PM. However, just as on Friday night, the music will carry on into the evening hours as restaurants, bars, and private homes invite visitors to gather at their venues for more celebration. As a spectacular musical bonus over the weekend, the Port Austin Community Playhouse, located at 35 Railroad Street, will be presenting two shows by nationally acclaimed Neil Diamond Tribute performer Denny Svehla, aka Denny Diamond. The first show will take place at the theater at 7:30 PM on Saturday, with a second performance at 2:00 PM on Sunday, June 23. All tickets are general seating and are available for $20.00 apiece by calling the theater box office at 989-738-5217 and carefully following all of the prompts given. Make sure you specify which show you wish to attend. If still available, tickets may be purchased at the door beginning an hour before each show.

If you love music performed in a relaxed outdoor neighborhood setting, surrounded by friends and family, then the Ninth Annual Port Austin Porch Fest is the place to be.

Justin Schnettler